вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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Debi Enker, reviewing Seven's footy coverage in today's Green Guide, opines that Nathan Buckley "can parlay his knowledge of the game, and perceptive readings of strategies and player performance, into illuminating observations as it unfolds." Fair enough... But how would she know? There is a mistake in her first sentence which is the kind of howler that says to me she has barely ever watched Seven's footy.

Close your eyes and you might imagine her sitting at her desk, frantically trying to make deadline: "Someone, anyone, tell me something, anything, about Friday Night Footy"

AFL Semi-final
Channel Seven, 8pm

TV's best football commentary team, anchored by Bruce McAvaney, Dennis "Ox" Cometti and Nathan "Bucks" Buckley, gathers tonight to cover the clash between the Western Bulldogs and the Sydney Swans. It's a lively, well-informed and astute triumvirate. McAvaney, with his terrier-like excitement about the game and firm grasp on all the stats related to it. Cometti, with his rich voice, left-field pop-culture references and inspired off-the-cuff remarks. And this year's versatile new recruit, Buckley. The former Collingwood captain has been proven to be more than just a commanding former player with a profile that's handy for network promotions. He's also one of that rare breed who can parlay his knowledge of the game, and perceptive readings of strategies and player performance, into illuminating observations as it unfolds. While it is true that the nervy Rick Olarenshaw still has some delivery issues down on the ground with his injury reports and interviews, when it comes to the commentary booth, this team triumphs.

What's more, while he's a terrific commentator, most every real footy devotee knows "Ox" Cometti's remarks are anything but off-the-cuff.

Deb: May the Schwarz be with you

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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it took me some down time to figure out iapos;m done with my old ways. Iapos;m still the same me iapos;m just not making bad decisions anymore i learned a lot iapos;m growing. Iapos;m on the right track getting where i need to be no more distractions until i make it. This is the time in my life where i need to be somewhat selfish and focus on myself and not worry about whatapos;s going on with everyone else. itapos;s my life and iapos;m the only one who can take it to where i want. Nothing and no one can slow me down and sure as hell canapos;t stop me.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Last week I finished one of my assignments for class early so that I could focus on my longer term assignments. I posted it as soon as I was done five days before it was due. Unfortunately, Iapos;m half stupid or something and forgot the click "Attach" after selecting which document to upload (Iapos;m used to just selecting the document and when you send the entire message is when it attaches). Realizing this was likely the case, the professor gives me the opportunity to submit proof that it was submitted on time. So, after making sure that I did attach the document this time, I went and did a Print Screen of the folder that contained the assignment with the mouse over it to give full details and show that the modification date was just minutes before the original message I posted which was five days before the due date. I even cropped the print screen so that it would be easier for her to read (plus she doesnapos;t need to know what all I have on my desktop).

This professor is currently working on her PhD in Education, so I definitely give her props. Sheapos;s a cool teacher. However, for a teacher whoapos;s been working with online classes for years, she should know computers well enough to tell when sheapos;s looking at a print screen (the cropping should have made it damn obvious). She explains she canapos;t open the folder that was dated the day the assignment was due. So Iapos;m thinking, "You actually tried to click on a cropped print screen to open a folder that was a part of a picture?" o.0 What gets to me is that the folder sheapos;s talking to is the contents for a totally unrelated assignment (okay, related skills, but a different assignment due on the last week of class). The assignment in question is clearly highlighted and shows a totally different date. Sheapos;s so focused on that people turn their assignments in as late as possible itapos;s completely unthinkable that I may have actually had it done beforehand.

So now Iapos;m minus 10 points out of a possible 100 for the entire class. That means Iapos;ve already dropped to an A-. Now, granted, I could be at this point all because of my stupidity for not clicking "Attach" before sending the message. She didnapos;t have to give me a chance to prove myself. But what pisses me off, is she gave me the chance, and then when I have proof, it doesnapos;t count because she, yet again, doesnapos;t understand something basic about computers. This isnapos;t the first time she has proven that she is only as good at computers as the most basic easier than just user-friendly kind of user. How has she been teaching at online schools? I mean, sheapos;s a great teacher, no doubt, but she shouldnapos;t be working at schools that require so much of class participation to involve computers. So because she doesnapos;t realize that the .jpg file that she opened was infact a picture of a screen shot from my computer and was too closed-minded to see that the file dated days prior and highlighted with the exact same filename as the assignment in question was the one she needed to be looking for, I have lost my shot at 100 with all the core assignments worth the most grades due this week. Donapos;t offer me a chance to give proof if the only proof is going to be foreign ground and you donapos;t want to put the effort into understanding it.

Oh well, this is the same professor that explains the class as being an introductory class to prepare us for all our other classes so that we wonapos;t be steered wrong. Then when I point out a discrepancy between her "if it just says anonymous, treat it as unknown" in APA format and what the book has to say. Unknown and Anonymous are too very different things. The school requires us to have this book because every class requires all of our papers follow this format. However, she says to do it her way. So much for preparing us for success in all our other classes.


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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Itapos;s done.

iapos;ve found an amazing group of friends, and an even more amazing girl.
she makes me happier than iapos;ve ever been. She lights up my life even when itapos;s at itapos;s darkest; which it has been for a while now. But, not with her around. I find that when i lay with you the world just moves in slow motion like we can just stop time.

thank you for making me happy again.

and donapos;t worry.. Iapos;ll give you all your stuff back.
iapos;m sure youapos;re missing it...
it all still smells like you though.

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Roooooooooomie love,

i miss you soo much, and i think me missing you has caused me to have the weirdest dream ever....i donapos;t remember everything that happened...but basically i was going to rome with you and you were this crazy VIP�bc you knew everything about rome and b/c of it you had your own secret section of the plane and it was basically like a house with wings haha and you had this totally pimped out room and we were just chilling there for awhile...and then idk what happened but someone tried to kill us for some reason, and then some guy that you were hooking up with just popped out of your bed and he was like uber massively built haha and he scared the people that were trying to kill us away and thenn my alarm went off so thatapos;s it...just thought you would like to know.

hmmm i really have nothing to update you on...life here has been busy as usual but nothing too exciting has happened...

fall break was last weekend i basically went home and did nothing, just chilled w/ the fam....john was reallllly sick so i didnapos;t see him, so its been like three weeks since iapos;ve seen him, but yea...

umm i had two kick-ass lax games a few weekends ago...we won one and tied one which is pretty good. I scored from defense haha which is pretty sweet.

the homecoming game is 2mrw soo iapos;m pretty excited about that, weapos;re having a lax tailgate ..i havenapos;t been able to go the past two years, so iapos;m excited to finally go this year.

hmm what else? ...kaitlin continues to do laundry late at night when iapos;m about to sleep even though i keep telling her it bothers me...thatapos;s about the only development on that front....ohh but our washer massively overflowed over fall break apparently so we had no washer this week, so i had some time w/o her doing laundry haha. ...clearly my life is really exciting if the highlight is being able to sleep b/c kaitlin isnapos;t doing laundry haha.

ohhhhhh soo i just found out that student teaching is only 12 credits sooo since i didnapos;t come to college with credits b/c i did shitty on ap exams, i will not have enough credits to graduate on time unless i take 5 classes one semester, which will most likely be next semester..or take summer classes, which i dontapos; have the money to do soooooo cool...iapos;m glad i learned this now instead of 2 years ago when i could have taken easier classes., so thatapos;s fun.

anddd they changed the student teaching application process, so now you have to apply a year in advance, but i dontapos; know if i want to teach in the fall or if i want to global student teach in the spring...iapos;m totally torn and donapos;t know what to do.
hereapos;s my conapos;s of global student teaching:
1. Itapos;s only offerred spring of senior year, so iapos;ll miss the first 7 weeks of the semester, and the pre-season of my last season of lax.
2. Itapos;s an additional $6 on top of tuition and w/e i pay for rent
3. They might not be offerring italy as an option next year :-( and france isnapos;t an option...and although iapos;d want to go visit sooooo many other places, why pay soo much money to go my sr. Year to somewhere iapos;m not dyinggggg to live or possibly teach in the future?

blahh idk what to do....

soo thatapos;s really all thatapos;s happening in my life.

pleasseeee update me on paris and barcelona and of course rommmmmmmmmmmmma.

miss and love you xoxo

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Thursday [october 16]

work was again pretty dead. I had another genius customer though so that kept me entertained/flabbergasted for a bit. When i asked the dude if he would like the shoes he was buying sprayed with some water repellent, he said, "what does that do?" really?? hahaha. Wow. So i watched first wave while at work, and snacked on some chips until i was done. Once i was done i just hung out around my place for a while. I was tired. I almost napped, but then curry started iming me, so i woke back up in the process of responding to her a few times. Since i was awake, i just lied around and watched more first wave until she showed up to take us over to andys house for movie night.

we stopped and got our chinese, to which i was pretty disappointed with mine tonight, and then we went over to his place and watched yankee doodle dandee. I was really really surprised at how much i liked that movie. It was pleasantly surprising, and realy humorous, plus it was actually based on a real guy which is always cool to see. After the movie was done, me and curry hung out for a bit before heading out so she could take me home. I was already 12.30 and we were both getting tired. Once home, i ended up being online getting new music for a couple hours. Before i knew it, it was already after 2am, so i just closed up shop and hit the hay. I fell asleep while watching the third disc of season 3 of futurama, and was out by about 3.15am. Nitey nite bitches


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